Many people, when they hear of asbestos, think that the only disease it causes is the lung disease asbestosis or mesothelioma, the highly dangerous cancer which affects the lining of the chest and abdominal cavities.
In actual fact, asbestos can lead to a variety of other diseases, one of which is asbestos warts which are growths on the skin which are somewhat like calluses, caused by the sharp fibers when they lodge in the skin. These calluses are benign, in the same way as what are known as pleural plaques, which are thickened areas of the lung, visible on X rays, which are caused by inhaling asbestos fibers. Pleural plaques will not normally cause any lung impairment nor lead to mesothelioma.
Finally there is diffuse pleural thickening which is similar to pleural plaques but can cover a wider area and is sometimes associated with asbestosis. Usually there are few or no symptoms but if it is extensive then it can cause lung impairment.
If you have been diagnosed with asbestos a related disease, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. Contact the Law Office of Brayton Purcell, LLP at (800) 598-0314 immediately, or contact us online for a free consultation.